Child & Adolescent Anxiety
Anxiety is an intense sense of nervousness and discomfort. It can be accompanied by uncontrollable worries and avoidance. While some childhood fears are developmentally appropriate it can be important to seek help from a professional if your child’s anxiety is affecting their day to day functioning or sense of wellbeing.
Anxiety in adolescence can be a scary and debilitating condition. Teenagers may experience fear of being judged, lack confidence to spend time with friends or become overly panicked about particular situations. Intense worries and preoccupied thoughts can also occur in anxiety disorders causing the individual to feel quite overwhelmed and drained by the extra mental activity. Sleep can be disrupted and day to day thoughts can become tiring.
Seeking treatment for anxiety early is essential in order to learn skills and strategies to cope with these difficulties. Work on developing resilience and confidence can be a key part of a Psychologist's role in assisting children and adolescents with anxiety difficulties.
There are a variety of subtypes of anxiety including:
Anxiety in adolescence can be a scary and debilitating condition. Teenagers may experience fear of being judged, lack confidence to spend time with friends or become overly panicked about particular situations. Intense worries and preoccupied thoughts can also occur in anxiety disorders causing the individual to feel quite overwhelmed and drained by the extra mental activity. Sleep can be disrupted and day to day thoughts can become tiring.
Seeking treatment for anxiety early is essential in order to learn skills and strategies to cope with these difficulties. Work on developing resilience and confidence can be a key part of a Psychologist's role in assisting children and adolescents with anxiety difficulties.
There are a variety of subtypes of anxiety including:
- Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
- Separation Anxiety Disorder (SAD)
- Social Phobia
- Specific Phobia
- Panic Disorder
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)